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Prose and Poetry

“I suppose that's how it looks in prose. But it's very different if you look at it through poetry…and I think it's nicer…' Anne recovered herself and her eyes shone and her cheeks flushed… 'to look at it through poetry.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

The month of July has flown by for me. In fact, I've been a bit remiss in keeping up with my weekly blog post, and for that I apologize.

The beginning of the month was filled with a wonderful week on the enchanting Prince Edward Island (the setting for the Anne of Green Gables series), only to return to the routine of life in Iowa, which of course led me to a post-vacation funk of all funks.

As I've been working and adjusting back to life's responsibilities, I've been thinking a lot about the quote I listed above from Anne of Avonlea. We listened to the book on our drive to the island, and I've come to realize that I like to embrace and live in the world of poetry and do my best to avoid the world of prose.

And yet, here it is, PROSE:

- Cleaning the house

- Paying bills

- Renewing my driver's license at a short-staffed office

- Getting the oil changed

And so forth.

My goal as in the past couple of weeks has been to infuse poetry into the prose of daily activities, and I've found a few creative ways to do so:

- Cleaning the house, but listening to Iowa Public Radio Classical while scrubbing bathrooms

- Paying bills, but being grateful that we have the income to be self-sustaining

- Renewing my driver's license and laughing at the HORRIFIC photo they took

- Getting the oil changed, but using that waiting room time to text friends to let them know I'm thinking of them

And so forth.

I'm going to continue to seek out creative ways to keep the vacation, magical island, and poetry life within the mundane, prose-like tasks of the day. And right now, that means ending this blog post with some great snapshots of our trip!

How about you? What have you done in your daily routine to insert poetry within the prose?

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